
Gib Hedstrom portrait

Climate information is everywhere. We are burdened by opinions but confused and conflicted – growth or sustainability?

This is a logical, data-rich summary for busy executives.

The 8-step summary will place the current climate situation in concrete business terms so that executives can engage leadership, make smart decisions and drive sustainable growth. The story helps explain how we got here and the likely trends we will see if we do not act to build a climate resilient, sustainable future.

The ESG Navigator Handbook is the C-suite "pocket guide" to ESG and sustainability.

  • The full view of sustainability: E + S + G + Strategy, including the four-stage maturity path - telling you what fair, good, better, and best look like.

  • 100 KPIs (which we call Key Sustainability Indicators - or KSIs) that define actions, processes, structures and programs a companies have created or aim to create to capture business value from ESG.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummied text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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